Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cooking in China

You know, it's starting to get a tad bothersome that everything I want to make here in China has to be planned in advance to I can go on a massive ingredient hunt. It's almost like I scavenger hunt, but much more annoying. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that there it a market within walking distance where I can at least get vegetables and basic staples, but as my belly grows larger, my patience seems to grow proportionally smaller. I wonder if that's a documented scientific phenomenon?

I suppose I'm really just cranky because I can't just hop in my car on a whim, buy necessary ingredients, and get ta cookin'...instead I have to plan out everything I might want to make for the next week, and go shopping/hunting at three or four completely different places just to get what I need (if I can even find it at all).

Sometimes you don't even notice that you're missing the basics until you need them and realize, "Crap! Why don't we own that yet??" For example, today I wanted to make Daniel some ice cream because, of course, if I buy it it will melt long before I ever get it home (that and I feel that homemade everything is almost always better). Because we don't have an ice cream maker (obviously, since we don't even have plates...) I was going to make it using the two bag method. For those of you who don't know what in the world I'm talking about, you can actually make ice cream using two different sized bags - the inner bag filled with ice cream-y ingredients and the outer bag with ice and salt. These supplies combined with the magic of thermodynamics yields ice cream in less than ten minutes. I was very proud of myself. Excited to have a brilliant idea of something nice I could do for my loving husband. And then it hit me...we have no ice. Why? Because we have no ice cube trays. That revelation would not have been nearly so annoying had the option to hop in the car and go buy some been present. But nooooo. I don't even know where I would find an ice cube tray here! More hunting for me, I suppose.

There are, in fact, many things I would like to make but just don't have what I need to do so. I would like to make homemade caramels - no corn syrup. I would like to sew some toys for Lily - no sewing machine. I would like to make my Indian Curry that Daniel loves - missing half of the spices. And the list goes on...

Okay, I suppose that's enough complaining for one day. I think part of the reason I'm cranky is because I had planned to make pickles today and then realized that I didn't have nearly enough vinegar. Again, I lament no having a car so I can quickly drive to the storeandpick some up. Ooooh well...I guess it's almost time for another trip to the market. On the plus side, last night's sushi (spicy shrimp rolls) went over fabulously, once again. I'm always happy when such a simple little thing can make my hubby so very happy. He has such long days in his new job that it's very nice to see him delighted to have yummy food on the table when he comes home.

Tonight is curry night - which is why I'm blogging, actually - more procrastination! I am ahead though, I guess. It's barely after 2:00 and I already have it started...ok...I have the meat thawed - that counts, right? I also took the vegetables out. See? I'm on the ball! Actually, I would have it all in a pot and cooking by now but I'm just too lazy to clean out the pot, which still has leftover lunch in it.

Before I get to pot cleaning, cooking, and tidying the house (yet another thing I am putting off) let's have today's random overview:

For today, Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Outside my window a gloomy overcast sky. I assume it's also cold out because the children are wearing jackets and hats, but I'm not really sure, since I haven't left the house since Saturday. Wow...that's really sad, isn't it? I think I would be more inclined to go out and about if I had someone to go with. So far, that is not the case. China can be awful lonely when Daniel is working!

I am thankful for... family to talk to on the phone while I go about my business in the house. Without some virtual company, I'd probably go insane. On that same line of thought, I am also very grateful for my Bluetooth headset, which allows be to actually go about my chores while socializing, rather than being tethered to the computer.

From the kitchen... for lunch was a creamy vegetable rice soup. Another one of my throw together concoctions that actually turned out quite nice. In fact, I am now getting hungry thinking about it. I guess that takes care of my woes about cleaning out the pot from lunchtime!

I am going... out tomorrow, which is quite a relief now that I realize what a hermit I've been! Not that I'm off for a wonderfully exciting trip, or anything...passports and

I am reading... Lots of recipes of things I might like to make if I can find all of the components and lots of patterns for baby clothes and toys!

I am hoping... that I can find vanilla in my grand hunt tomorrow so that I can make butter tarts...Mmmmmmmm...

I am creating... many plans to make things for baby. Now...just to put those plans into action...

Around the house... I need to start my curry a'boilin' and then get on to sweeping, finishing off the dishes, tidying, and folding the laundry.

One of my favorite things... Sushi! I'm so glad that it was easier to make than I thought! Since it's something that Daniel and I both love, I suspect it will work it's way into our diet quite regularly!

A few plans for the rest of the week
... As I said, more cooking, as per usual - I would like to get at least ten new meals in the freezer. Aside from everything else I've already mentioned, I have a language exchange tomorrow and I think Daniel and I might go for massages this weekend.

A picture thought I am sharing with you... Be thankful if you live near a fully stocked grocery story and/or have a car to drive! If you're in the same boat as me, just go ahead and pout along with me. *POUT!*

So, there we have it for today. I would like to stay here madly typing away and pretend that I have nothing else to do. Unfortunately, that is very much not the case and I have what feels like a million other things I should be doing right now. *Sigh...* it goes...Curry time...I'm off!

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