Friday, August 15, 2008

The Packing Frenzy...

How many suitcases does it take to transport the lives of two (and a half) people? Apperently, the answer is six! Yes, that's right! We have our entire lives packed away and ready to go to China in six large suitcases. Well, that's alomst the truth. We also have four carry-ons and two purses - one for me and one for Daniel!

For those of you who might be out of the loop, Daniel and I are off to China with our yet-to-be-born baby and a whole heap of suitcases on a two year teaching contract. Our grand plan was to stay in Ontario and raise a family here but, of course, most things never work out according to plan. After several not so appealing job offers in other countries and zero in Canada (even after putting out several hunderd resumes) Daniel was offered a very good job in China teaching at a Canadian school in Dalian. Our flight leaves on the 20th of August and we are still busy working on all of the last minute things that need to be done.

So, to all our our friends, family, and random veiwers who may be interested, this is where we will be keeping you up to date on our day-to-day activities in China - Culture, challenges of doing everything using no English, learning Mandarin, working in another country, and giving birth and raising a child abroad. We will be sure to keep up with lots of stories, photos, and videos of our exciting new adventure but, for now, back to packing!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome writer Sarah. Look forward to hearing more in the future, but I do have problems getting into the site, do you have any suggestions? love mom Reid